November Missions Blog
3BC@Missions - 3BC Missions Newsletter
Welcome to the November 2022 3BC Missions newsletter. In this newsletter you will find opportunities to pray, give, and go. Our mission statement comes from Acts 1:8 where we are told to be witnesses to the entire world. 3BC has used that verse to give us a ministry strategy to be witnesses locally and across the world. As you read through this newsletter you can begin to pray by name for missions that we support. You can click into websites that will help acquaint you with their ministries. You will find opportunities for upcoming mission trips that you can become a part of. Our desire, that through this newsletter, you will become active in the missions of 3BC as we attempt to be witnesses our “Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
Witnessing in our Jerusalem
Opportunity to Pray
- Child Evangelism Fellowship
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Good Shepherd Children’s Home
- Journey Home
- Last Call for Grace
- Portico
- Renewed Life Ministries
- Stepping Stones Safe Haven Ministry
Opportunity to Go
3BC is looking for members of our church to be liaisons between these mission groups and Duane, the missions pastor. If that sounds intriguing to you, please contact Duane.
On November 12 3BC will be hosting an event for ELS (English Language School). This event usually has between 30-40 international students attending for the opportunity for these students to participate conversational English.
On November 12 3BC will be hosting an event for ELS (English Language School). This event usually has between 30-40 international students attending for the opportunity for these students to participate conversational English.
Witnessing in our Judea
Opportunity to Pray
- Redeemer Church, St. Albans, VT – Michael Badger, Lead Pastor
- To subscribe to the North American Mission Board prayer letter subscribe here.
- Go to the 3BC Facebook page to see pictures from the 3BC mission trip in October.
Witnessing in our Samaria
Witnessing in our Samaria
Opportunity to Pray
Pastor Olivio Vasquez, Primera Iglesia Bautista.
Daniel, Lara, and Family – Mexico
Olivia – Mexico
Pastor César Norberto Badillo Garduño, Iglesia Bautista Mision de Cristo
Go to our 3BC Facebook page to see pictures from their October Mission Trip
Opportunity to Pray
Pastor Olivio Vasquez, Primera Iglesia Bautista.
Daniel, Lara, and Family – Mexico
Olivia – Mexico
Pastor César Norberto Badillo Garduño, Iglesia Bautista Mision de Cristo
Go to our 3BC Facebook page to see pictures from their October Mission Trip
Witnessing to the Ends of the Earth
Opportunity to Pray
- Ruel and Tiffany Godbey - Eastern Europe (See video above)
- Rowan and Eleanor James – Mid East (See video below)
- Will, Beth, and Family – SouthEast Asia
- Ben, Lynsey, and Family – SouthEast Asia
- This is the website for praying for missions to the ends of the earth.
3BC has recently begun to support Ruel and Tiffany Godbey in their work with Ukrainian refugees. Ruel and Tiffany were members of 3BC before God called them to work with Greater European Missions. Watch their video for a special message to 3BC.
Rowan and Eleanor James are children of people who belong to the 3BC Family. Watch their video here to get a glimpse of what they are doing.
Opportunity to Go
Be listening for announcements concerning an upcoming trip to India.
In all of these areas 3BC give you the Opportunity to Give to our World Missions Offering that allows us to use our finances to reach our Jerusalem, our Judea, our Samaria, and the ends of the earth.
In all of these areas 3BC give you the Opportunity to Give to our World Missions Offering that allows us to use our finances to reach our Jerusalem, our Judea, our Samaria, and the ends of the earth.
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