The church office will open at 10am on Thursday, February 20. Sr. Adult Bible Study has been cancelled.

Local Missions

Rutherford County is one of the fastest growing communities in America. With the growth comes need. Many in our community have physical needs; even more, they need to hear the gospel. 3BC has partnered with a variety of ministries in Rutherford Co., serving alongside as well as financially supporting these ministries through our giving. This is an opportunity to pray, give, and go.

Child Evangelism Fellowship

Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in the local church for Christian living.

The Journey Home

The Journey Home is a Christian ministry whose primary focus is to serve the homeless and disadvantaged of Rutherford County – providing practical resources for body, mind and spirit, and encouragement on their journey to economic stability and reintegration into community life.

Last Call For Grace

Last Call 4 Grace ministers to the people who would never step into a church building. Jesus’ ministry on earth most often took place where the people already were, not in churches where people might feel different or left out. There are many outward/physical reasons people might be uncomfortable in attending a church, and many also have emotional/spiritual scars and are afraid “church people” may see right into their wounds and expose them. Last Call 4 Grace goes where people already are, to show them the love of Jesus Christ. No stones are cast, nor do we judge. Last Call 4 Grace simply explains that we are filthy sinners, washed in Christ’s blood, and adopted children of the King. This ministry seeks to acknowledge and meet the most pressing needs of the oppressed and invite them to become part of the family of God.


Every life is a story unfolding; a story full of promise. Every life matters, and Portico exists for those who are facing a difficult chapter in their story. They will meet with you and listen as you share your stories that you may often feel you can’t share with anyone else. Maybe it is an unexpected pregnancy or a struggle with a past pregnancy decision. Sometimes it’s feeling overwhelmed and under prepared at the thought of being a parent. Portico welcomes you with open arms.  

Renewed Life Ministry

Renewed Life Ministries is a one-year, residential discipleship training center for men who are struggling with life issues. RLM was founded in 1995, and the mission is to help men become set free from their past, live well in their present, and have hope for the future.

The Bible is clear, our identity is in Christ. RLM is committed to teaching this truth to our students. Instructors at RLM have overcome in these same areas and are now discipling other men as they walk into all that God has for their life.

When men are struggling with addiction, pornography, and emotional turmoil, we cannot take a “flash in the pan” approach. Discipleship at RLM follows a four-step plan: Identity in Christ, Christlikeness, Accountability, and Self-Evaluation.