The church office will open at 10am on Thursday, February 20. Sr. Adult Bible Study has been cancelled.

What is MidWeek?

Sunday is a great day for 3BC as we gather for worship, Bible study, and fellowship. Studying and singing the Word strengthens our faith, and moves us to share the gospel as we go out into our world. There is a refreshing joy from gathering with God's people on Sunday mornings.

As we go into the week, though, we can get distracted by the stuff of work, school, and life, and our joy seems to get pushed out. The chaos and clutter of commutes, getting everyone to school, or pressures at work takes the place of that joy we had on Sunday.

That's why we need MidWeek! This will be a time for worship, Bible study, and discipleship in the middle of our hectic lives, giving us refuge and refreshment for the middle of our week.

Make a commitment now to be part of MidWeek!

 6:00-6:30pm  Joint time of singing, prayer and scripture reading (Worship Center)
6:30-7:30pm  Bible Study including:

Our MidWeek Classes are for discipleship and are open to everyone.