The church office will open at 10am on Thursday, February 20. Sr. Adult Bible Study has been cancelled.

May Missions Newsletter


Opportunities to..

…to our “Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

May 2023

Witnessing in our Jerusalem.


Opportunity to Pray. (Hyperlinks for ministry websites attached)

Opportunity to Go

3BC is looking for members of our church to be liaisons between these mission groups and Duane, the missions pastor.  If that sounds intriguing to you, please contact Duane. 
Stepping Stones Safe Haven Ministry is looking for female volunteers who would be willing to spend the night at their facility to care for the women and children spending the night. 
Mitchell Neilson Schools. 3BC can make an impact in our public schools.  There are two ways that you can impact a child and their family in our community through Mitchell-Nielsen Schools.  The first is by becoming a reader, someone who comes to the school on a regular basis and reads with or to a child. The second is being a lunch buddy, matching with a child to come and have lunch with them on a regular basis.  The leadership at the school has encouraged us that this truly makes a difference in the education of these children as well as their morale overall. Think of what God would do with a group of godly adults spending time in a public elementary school, loving children and encouraging teachers and staff. Our hope is also that this relationship with the school will lead to other opportunities to serve as well as a chance for us to invite the entire school to events such as VBS where these children can hear the gospel. If you are interested in either of these, please contact Morgan Tilton and she will get you connected!
On April 18 3BC provided breakfast to the teachers at Mitchell-Nielsen Elementary.  Morgan Tilton organized the event and several of our pastors attended to serve the teachers.  Way to go, Morgan!!

Opportunity to Give. 

TN Baptist Children’s Home Mother’s Day Offering


Each year the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home designates Mother’s Day as their day to emphasize the children’s home so that churches can support it financially.  3BC gives 5% of our World Missions Offering to TN Baptist Children’s Home.   On May 7, we will have Norman Ridenour share at the end of the service about his time at TN Baptist Children’s Home.  As you give to the WMO this month, remember and pray for TN Baptist Children’s Home.

Witnessing in our Judea

Opportunity to Pray

  • Redeemer Church, St. Albans, VT – Michael Badger, Lead Pastor 
  • To subscribe to the North American Mission Board prayer letter subscribe here. 
  • Go to the 3BC Facebook page to see pictures from the 3BC mission trip in October.
On May 17-21 four of our men from 3BC will be going to St. Albans, VT to work with Redeemer Church.  They will be doing some light construction work.  The main purpose for them going is to present a one day conference to several churches in that area on “Men Discipling Men.”  Pray for them as they travel and leading that conference. 

Witnessing in our Samaria

Opportunity to Pray

Pastor Olivio Vasquez, Primera Iglesia Bautista. 
Daniel, Lara, and Family – Mexico 
Olivia – Mexico. 
Pastor César Norberto Badillo Garduño, Iglesia Bautista Mision de Cristo 

Opportunity to Go

We are in the process of planning a mission trip to Tierra Blanca in October.  It will be a VBS/Bible Conference trip.  If you are interested in working with children in a VBS setting, start praying that God would open doors for you to participate in this mission trip.

Witnessing to the Ends of the Earth.

Opportunity to Pray

  • Rowan and Eleanor James – Mid East 
  • Will, Beth, and Family – SouthEast Asia 
  • Ben, Lynsey, and Family – SouthEast Asia 
  • Ruel and Tiffany Godbey - Eastern Europe 
  •  Here is a website to help you pray for missions around the world. 

Opportunity to Go

Be listening for announcements concerning an upcoming trip to India. 
In all of these areas 3BC gives you the Opportunity to Give to our World Missions Offering that allows us to use our finances to reach our Jerusalem, our Judea, our Samaria, and the ends of the earth.

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