The church office will open at 10am on Thursday, February 20. Sr. Adult Bible Study has been cancelled.

Taste And See That
The Lord Is Good

PSALM 34:8 


In a contemporary culture where truth is often viewed as relative, the Church is called to stand firm as we love God and those around us. 3BC is a Great Commission Church that has a passion for the gospel, proclaiming truth as disciples who make disciples.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings / Domingos por las Mañanas

LifeGroups - 8:45am
English - 10:00am
Español - 11:40am

Wednesday  Evenings / Miércoles en las Tardes

Prayer Meeting - 6:00pm
MidWeek - 6:30pm
Español - 6:30pm

Watch Worship Live / Mirar en Vivo

Join us live on YouTube - Sunday Morning at 10:00am (English) & 11:40am (Español)

Get In Touch

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.